
Sunday Jan 12, 2014
Episode 9: Peter Geye
Sunday Jan 12, 2014
Sunday Jan 12, 2014
This week I talk with Peter Geye about picking up head colds from kids, literary lineages, the lively literary scene in Minneapolis, and how much we liked each other’s first book. Peter is the author of two highly acclaimed novels, Safe from The Sea, and The Lighthouse Road both from Unbridled Books. For more about Peter and his books visit http://petergeye.com.

Monday Dec 30, 2013
Episode 8: Colin Dickey
Monday Dec 30, 2013
Monday Dec 30, 2013
In this episode, I talk with Colin Dickey about writing quaintly transgressive fiction, the dilemma of the literary critic in the modern, make-nice world, his trip to the arctic, and giving up on famous writers’ books.
Colin is the author of two delightful, and quirky books (neither of which I gave up on), Cranioklepty: Grave Robbing and the Search for Genius, and Afterlives of the Saints: Stories from the Ends of Faith, both from Unbridled Books. He also co-edited a book called Failure: Experiments and in Social and Aesthetic Practices. Pay a visit to his website (http://www.colindickey.com) to learn more about his book and order yourself a copy, you won’t regret it.

Sunday Dec 08, 2013
Episode 7: David Wayne Reed
Sunday Dec 08, 2013
Sunday Dec 08, 2013
In this episode I talk with playwright, essayist, columnist, actor and performer, director, and former college roommate, David Wayne Reed. David was a columnist for the Liberty Press in Kansas City as well as KC Magazine (now This is KC). He’s written several stage plays, including Mother Trucker and Mother Trucker 2: Ride On, which he also directed. While attending a month-long artist residency at the Seaside Repertory Theatre in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, he wrote and presented his one man show “Jolly Rancher,” which he is currently turning into a memoir about growing up a gay farm kid in the middle of Kansas. Some of the pieces from that memoir appeared as columns for Liberty Press and KC Magazine, and one piece, “Taking Laps,” was recently published in the fall 2013 issue of Midwestern Gothic. We talk about all of that and more, including plans to sit down for a long overdue drink.
Go read his blog and check out the audio and video clips of some of his performances at his website http://davidwaynereed.blogspot.com.

Sunday Nov 24, 2013
Episode 6: Emily St. John Mandel
Sunday Nov 24, 2013
Sunday Nov 24, 2013
This week I talk with writer Emily St. John Mandel about how she went from dancing to writing, the thankless and gallant work done by small presses and how much we both appreciate the small publisher who gave us our shot, the literary scene in Brooklyn, jumping to a big publisher, and the thrill of an Australian literary festival. Emily is the author of the novels Last Night in Montreal, The Singer’s Gun, and The Lola Quartet all from Unbridled Books. You can find out more about Emily at her website http://www.emilymandel.com. And if you haven’t yet, go read them.

Sunday Nov 10, 2013
Episode 5: Brian Farrey
Sunday Nov 10, 2013
Sunday Nov 10, 2013
In this episode I talk to editor and author Brian Farrey about, well, everything from horrible workshop experiences, genre busting, and how he became an editor at Flux Books, to the existence of dinosaur slash fiction. Brian is the author of the YA novel With or Without You, published by Simon Pulse. With or Without You was a 2012 Stonewall Honor Book. Brian is also the author of a middle reader series from Harpercollins Childrens division, the first book in the series is The Vengekeep Prophecies (a multiple award winner). The second book in the series, The Shadowhand Covenant was released at the end of October and is available in bookstores now. You can check out Brian and his books at his website (http://www.brianfarreybooks.com).

Sunday Oct 27, 2013
Episode 4: Delia Tramontina
Sunday Oct 27, 2013
Sunday Oct 27, 2013
Episode 4: Delia Tramontina: I sit down to talk to my old friend Delia about our different views on social work, her radio show/podcast, the ubiquitous Naropa University, the difficulty in become part of a literary “scenes” and what she’s working on these days. After listening here, go check out Delia’s show Poet As Radio (available on iTunes).

Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Episode 3: Geoffrey Goodwin
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
Sunday Oct 13, 2013
***Now with improved audio***
In this episode I talk with Geoffrey Goodwin, freelance writer, bookseller, and sometimes educator about not being good at sports, fear of Raymond Carver, and how being a mercenary writer means you're often legally obligated to be vague and mysterious about what you're doing. The one book Geoffrey can admit to co-writing is Spooky Creepy Boston published by Shiffer Publishing. He's the Goodwin half of the pen name Nicolas Goodwin.

Sunday Sep 29, 2013
Episode 2: Gavin Pate
Sunday Sep 29, 2013
Sunday Sep 29, 2013
***Now with improved audio***

Wednesday Sep 18, 2013
Episode 1: Jenn Zukowski Boughn
Wednesday Sep 18, 2013
Wednesday Sep 18, 2013
***Now with improved audio*** Host, Jason Quinn Malott, sits down with poet, performer, and teacher Jennifer Zukowski Boughn to talk about her writing, graduate school, and that invitation to audition for Cirque du Soleil.