
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes #5: Sassy Gay Friend
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
Wednesday Jan 29, 2020
In the fifth of our Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes series, Jenn and I discuss how gay male characters are often sidelined and diminished and forced to play support roles to the heroes of a story and what that contributes to the strict, and restrictive ideas of masculinity.
Jenn Zuko is adjunct faculty at DU, MSU, and Regis University. She teaches courses in writing, literature, visual arts, performing arts, movement, and of course stage combat. She is the author of Stage Combat: Fisticuffs, Stunts, and Swordplay for Theatre and Film, out from Allworth Press back in 2006. She can be seen performing on stage and in classrooms in the Boulder/Denver area, and online at Daily Cross-Swords and Writers’ HQ, as well as archived on the defunct sites Nerds in Babeland, Your Boulder, and Sherlock’s Home.
Music for this series was created by Paul Bradley. Paul is the author of the Power of Dour blog, where he writes about pessimistic philosophy, politics and culture. He’s also one of those infamous tech guys - a 25-year software industry veteran and startup executive who does weird and interesting things with learning science and artificial intelligence. He is also Jenn Zuko’s administrative assistant.
The Outrider Podcast is orchestrated by me, Jason Quinn Malott, and audio production magic is performed by Heather Anne Eden. You can find the show online at jquinnmalott.com and if you would, please, hop on iTunes and give us a rating. We’ll be back later in 2020 with more miniseries, live shows, and one-on-one conversations with writers, editors, and publishers. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
ProblematicToxic Masculinity Tropes #4: The Tale of the Nerd and the Neckbeard
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
Tuesday Jan 21, 2020
In the fourth of our Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes series, Jenn and I discuss how even the non-manliest of men can fall victim to the social demands of masculinity and turn toxic.
Jenn Zuko is adjunct faculty at DU, MSU, and Regis University. She teaches courses in writing, literature, visual arts, performing arts, movement, and of course stage combat. She is the author of Stage Combat: Fisticuffs, Stunts, and Swordplay for Theatre and Film, out from Allworth Press back in 2006. She can be seen performing on stage and in classrooms in the Boulder/Denver area, and online at Daily Cross-Swords and Writers’ HQ, as well as archived on the defunct sites Nerds in Babeland, Your Boulder, and Sherlock’s Home.
Music for this series was created by Paul Bradley. Paul is the author of the Power of Dour blog, where he writes about pessimistic philosophy, politics and culture. He’s also one of those infamous tech guys - a 25-year software industry veteran and startup executive who does weird and interesting things with learning science and artificial intelligence. He is also Jenn Zuko’s administrative assistant.
The Outrider Podcast is orchestrated by me, Jason Quinn Malott, and audio production magic is performed by Heather Anne Eden. You can find the show online at jquinnmalott.com and if you would, please, hop on iTunes and give us a rating. We’ll be back later in 2020 with more miniseries, live shows, and one-on-one conversations with writers, editors, and publishers. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes #3: Bond, James Bond
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
Tuesday Jan 14, 2020
In the third of our Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes series, Jenn and I are joined by Paul Bradley and Kathleen Barbara to discuss that man’s man of intentional intrigue and what Mr. Bond, James Bond has contributed to the butchy stew of toxic masculinity.
Our guests:
Kathleen Barbara has a Bachelor of Arts in English and Theatre from Bethany College in Lindsborg, Kansas. She obtained her Master of Arts in English Language and Literature from Wichita State University in 2006. She loves writing about and dissecting films, but she has a day job teaching high school theatre.
Paul Bradley is the author of the Power of Dour blog, where he writes about pessimistic philosophy, politics and culture. He’s also one of those infamous tech guys - a 25-year software industry veteran and startup executive who does weird and interesting things with learning science and artificial intelligence. He is also Jenn Zuko’s administrative assistant. - Paul also created the music for this series.
Jenn Zuko is adjunct faculty at DU, MSU, and Regis University. She teaches courses in writing, literature, visual arts, performing arts, movement, and of course stage combat. She is the author of Stage Combat: Fisticuffs, Stunts, and Swordplay for Theatre and Film, out from Allworth Press back in 2006. She can be seen performing on stage and in classrooms in the Boulder/Denver area, and online at Daily Cross-Swords and Writers’ HQ, as well as archived on the defunct sites Nerds in Babeland, Your Boulder, and Sherlock’s Home.
The Outrider Podcast is orchestrated by me, Jason Quinn Malott, and audio production magic is performed by Heather Anne Eden. You can find the show online at jquinnmalott.com and if you would, please, hop on iTunes and give us a rating. We’ll be back later in 2020 with more miniseries, live shows, and one-on-one conversations with writers, editors, and publishers. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes #2: Grow a Pair
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
Tuesday Jan 07, 2020
In the second of our Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes series, Jenn and I discuss the power of testicles as a representation of masculine stoicism—and how if you give them the slightest flick we collapse in pain.
Jenn Zuko is adjunct faculty at DU, MSU, and Regis University. She teaches courses in writing, literature, visual arts, performing arts, movement, and of course stage combat. She is the author of Stage Combat: Fisticuffs, Stunts, and Swordplay for Theatre and Film, out from Allworth Press back in 2006. She can be seen performing on stage and in classrooms in the Boulder/Denver area, and online at Daily Cross-Swords and Writers’ HQ, as well as archived on the defunct sites Nerds in Babeland, Your Boulder, and Sherlock’s Home.
Music for this series was created by Paul Bradley. Paul is the author of the Power of Dour blog, where he writes about pessimistic philosophy, politics and culture. He’s also one of those infamous tech guys - a 25-year software industry veteran and startup executive who does weird and interesting things with learning science and artificial intelligence. He is also Jenn Zuko’s administrative assistant.
The Outrider Podcast is orchestrated by me, Jason Quinn Malott, and audio production magic is performed by Heather Anne Eden. You can find the show online at jquinnmalott.com and if you would, please, hop on iTunes and give us a rating. We’ll be back later in 2020 with more miniseries, live shows, and one-on-one conversations with writers, editors, and publishers. Thanks for listening.

Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes #1: Go Big or Go Home
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
Tuesday Dec 31, 2019
In the first of our Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes series, size matters, or so we’re told. Join me, your erstwhile host, and my friend Jenn Zuko as we take the measure of a toxic man. We are joined in this episode by my long suffering producer, Heather Anne Eden.
Jenn Zuko is adjunct faculty at DU, MSU, and Regis University. She teaches courses in writing, literature, visual arts, performing arts, movement, and of course stage combat. She is the author of Stage Combat: Fisticuffs, Stunts, and Swordplay for Theatre and Film, out from Allworth Press back in 2006. She can be seen performing on stage and in classrooms in the Boulder/Denver area, and online at Daily Cross-Swords and Writers’ HQ, as well as archived on the defunct sites Nerds in Babeland, Your Boulder, and Sherlock’s Home.
Music for this series was created by Paul Bradley. Paul is the author of the Power of Dour blog, where he writes about pessimistic philosophy, politics and culture. He’s also one of those infamous tech guys - a 25-year software industry veteran and startup executive who does weird and interesting things with learning science and artificial intelligence. He is also Jenn Zuko’s administrative assistant.
The Outrider Podcast is orchestrated by me, Jason Quinn Malott, and audio production magic is performed by Heather Anne Eden. You can find the show online at jquinnmalott.com and if you would, please, hop on iTunes and give us a rating. We’ll be back later in 2020 with more miniseries, live shows, and one-on-one conversations with writers, editors, and publishers. Thanks for listening.

Monday Sep 09, 2019
Monday Sep 09, 2019
The Cookout Show was recorded live on August 17, 2019 in the backyard at my mother’s house because, well, I live in an apartment.
Catherine Dryden earned her MFA in fiction at Wichita State University. Her short stories have been published in various literary journals, including American Literary Review, So to Speak, Sulphur River Review, Alligator Juniper, and Pocket Rocket. Several of her stories have been nominated for Pushcart prizes and she was awarded Alligator Juniper’s national prize for creative non-fiction. After a longish hiatus from writing in order to quit smoking and gain weight, she’s resumed writing with a focus on travel writing and creative non-fiction. She’s married to John Jenkinson.
John Jenkinson earned his MFA at Wichita State University and his PhD at the University of North Texas. A past winner of an AWP Discovery Award, a Balticon Science-Fiction Poetry Award, John served as Poetry Fellow at the Milton Center and now teaches creative writing and literature at Butler Community College. His poems have appeared in The Georgia Review, Green Mountain Review, Passages North, Quarterly West, Rattle, 32 Poems, Visions, and three chapbooks. His full-length book Rebekah Orders Lasagna was published by Woodley Press at Washburn University. He’s currently reinvented himself as a singer song writer and guitar player specializing in songs for academics (his songs are featured in his daughter’s thesis and his son’s dissertation), children (especially his grandchildren) and lovers. He’s married to Catherine Dryden.
Many thanks to everyone who attended and brought food. Special thanks to Ray and Lauren Clause for the use of an amplifier for the show, and as always, big thanks to Heather Anne Eden.
The live shows are on a temporary hiatus until late November or early December as we begin the recording process for our next series on Problematic Tropes with my friend Jenn Zuko. The Problematic Toxic Masculinity Tropes shows will be out sometime in late November or early December.
You rock. Thanks for listening.

Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Outrider Live: Words and Music No. 3
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
Saturday Aug 10, 2019
In this live episode we feature poet Chandra E. A. Di Piazza and singer/songwriter and rock drummer Rhea Sewell.
Chandra E.A. Di Piazza grew up in Wichita and got her BGS and MFA from Wichita State University. She’s published three collections of poetry and in 2013 won the Kansas New Voices Award for her collection A Short History of Our Love, which was published by Finishing Line Press. Her work has appeared in print and online in journals like The Cimarron Review, The Chiron Review, and Muzzle Magazine. Chandra is the founder and editor of the online journal Poetry for the Masses. Although the journal is dormant at the moment and not accepting work, she plans to start publishing new work from established and emerging poets in 2020. Currently she is working on a new collection that she hopes to complete before the end of the year. Recently married to Anthony Di Piazza, Chandra has a daughter, Lyric, plus some cats and dogs that she is constantly surprised that under her care, haven’t been lost or run away.
Rhea Sewell is originally from Lindsborg, KS but was lured to Wichita by a music scholarship to WSU but mostly studied sociology, women’s studies, and English. On top of working full-time for the WSU Foundation, finishing a BA in 17 years with no student loan debt (what?), She’s been playing in rock bands of one stripe or another since 1994 including such acts as 1/2 Mad Poet, 7/8 Quick, JANET, Aoogah and most consistently False Flag ICT with Jeret Shisler, Tracy Sailer, and Pete Studtman. She played at the 1998 Lilith Fair show, and has opened for Joan Jett . . . twice. False Flag ICT is getting ready to record their fifth collection of songs, and you can get their EPs Rubber Blue Steam Fuck Punk, From the Inside, and Celestial Download on iTunes.
Extra special thanks to my producer, Heather, for the new live show logo.

Monday Jul 08, 2019
Special: Todd Robins & Vautrin
Monday Jul 08, 2019
Monday Jul 08, 2019
The inaugural issue of Vautrin is available now, and features pieces by Scott Phillips, Sylvia Maultash Warsh, Thomas Pluck, and many others.
Vautrin is only available at Watermark Books. Follow this link. https://www.watermarkbooks.com/product/vautrin-volume-1-issue-1-spring-2019
Vautrin is old school. To correspond with editor and publisher Todd Robins, to make a donation to support the magazine, or get a two-issue subscription you’ll have to use the US Postal Service and write to him. For donations and a two-issue subscription, make checks payable to Vautrin. The mailing address is 3418 East English Wichita, KS 67218.

Monday Jun 10, 2019
Problematic Badass Female Tropes EP 7: I'm Only Here For My Vagina
Monday Jun 10, 2019
Monday Jun 10, 2019
A seven part series on the way a lot of seemingly badass women in our stories are undermined and not as badass as they seem.
The Outrider podcast is hosted by me, Jason Quinn Malott. I have a BA in English and an MFA in Writing and Poetics. My first novel, The Evolution of Shadows, was published in 2009, and I began hosting the Outrider Podcast in 2013.
My co-host for this miniseries is Jenn Zuko.
Jenn is adjunct faculty at DU, MSU Denver, and Regis University. She teaches courses in writing; literature; visual, performing, and martial arts; body language; and stage combat. She is the author of Stage Combat: Fisticuffs, Stunts, and Swordplay for Theatre and Film, and “I Do My Own Stunts.” She can be seen performing on stage and in classrooms in the Boulder/Denver area, and online at Daily Cross-Swords and Writers’ HQ.
The music in the intro and outro is from the songs Choose an Adventure, and Break and Mend by Wichita based band, Cartwheel, off their new EP Best Days, and are used by permission of the copyright holder, Kristyn Chapman. You can get Cartwheel’s EP on Apple Music and Spotify. Visit them at www.cartwheel.band

Monday Jun 03, 2019
Problematic Badass Female Tropes EP 6: One of The Guys
Monday Jun 03, 2019
Monday Jun 03, 2019
A seven part series on the way a lot of seemingly badass women in our stories are undermined and not as badass as they seem.
The Outrider podcast is hosted by me, Jason Quinn Malott. I have a BA in English and an MFA in Writing and Poetics. My first novel, The Evolution of Shadows, was published in 2009, and I began hosting the Outrider Podcast in 2013.
My co-host for this miniseries is Jenn Zuko.
Jenn is adjunct faculty at DU, MSU Denver, and Regis University. She teaches courses in writing; literature; visual, performing, and martial arts; body language; and stage combat. She is the author of Stage Combat: Fisticuffs, Stunts, and Swordplay for Theatre and Film, and “I Do My Own Stunts.” She can be seen performing on stage and in classrooms in the Boulder/Denver area, and online at Daily Cross-Swords and Writers’ HQ.
The music in the intro and outro is from the songs Choose an Adventure, and Break and Mend by Wichita based band, Cartwheel, off their new EP Best Days, and are used by permission of the copyright holder, Kristyn Chapman. You can get Cartwheel’s EP on Apple Music and Spotify. Visit them at www.cartwheel.band